


Research Education Divulgation Photo-Video

Corbaiola research station



  research, education, divulgation, conservation

Conservation Research Education


Directive 2010/63UE

An amendment request  presented by the Fondazione Ethoikos was accepted and published in the Official Journal of the European Union (27 October 2017).The term "sperimentazioni in ambiente naturale" was replaced with "open field testing" in Annex VIII, section III, letter m) point vii, in the Italian version of the  Directive 2010/63UE. Other languages involved in the rectification are Bulgarian, Croatian, German.


Biodiversity Database on Scratchpads

Fondazione ETHOIKOS

Convento dell'Osservanza, I-53030 Radicondoli (SI), Italia e-mail:
Non profit institution, n. 254 legal entities register, Siena Prefecture

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Last updated on: 7 September 2023

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