
Convent Events

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Corbaiola Research Station

The world of Birds
15-16 May 2010
Radicondoli (Siena) Convento dell'Osservanza

Lecturer: Marco Di Domenico

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This project aims to explore the life of birds, in particular during their reproductive season, when their activities reach the top, and it is possible to listen to their calls and songs, follow the making of their nests, the laying of the eggs and the parental cares. The course will concern the identification of the species, the ecology of birds, the behaviour, the different ecological niches, the interactions among different species. It will focus on the italian species and it will include theorical lectures and field work.

  • Lesson 1. Morphology, phylogeny and systematics (3hr, morning): morphological features and physiology of birds; adaptations to fly; structure of feathers and plumes; the wing; different kind of flight; orders of italian birds and most important species.
  • Lesson 2. Field work (afternoon): birdwatching and listening of calls and songs, in woods and countryside.
  • Lesson 3 (nocturnal): listening and identification of calls and songs of owls and other nocturnal species, in village.
  • Lesson 4. Field work (full day): birdwatching and listening of calls and songs, in riparian environments, woods and countryside.

Participants are kindly requested to bring binoculars (best 7x30 or 8x30 or 7x40) and comfortable wearing for excursions.

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